SEO Predictions, Data and Tips

The term SEO continues to evolve every year. As search engine algorithms mature, marketers and webmasters are forced to adjust their strategies and get more creative all while continuing to focus on fundamental components such as quality content.

Since it can be difficult for many businesses, and even experienced marketers, to foresee what changes may be coming and how to best leverage them for continued growth we thought we would try to lend a hand.





Is your SEO strategy all planned out for 2013? Have you considered the possible changes and updates that 2013 may bring for SEO? Whether you’ve put together your marketing plan already or not, you might want to consider what challenges and opportunities 2013 may present first.

In this post we would like to offer up our #SEO predictions for 2013 in a data-driven, tip-filled infographic so you can stay ahead of the curve and make 2013 a successful year.

Via :


Charles PARENT

Author Charles PARENT

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